Monday, November 23, 2009

Crocheted Ninja

Scroll down here if you want to read a diddy about this photograph. This was taken in my room after finishing a crocheted ninja for my boyfriend's little brother's birthday. I took the photo in the direct sunlight because the black yarn against the black chair would be difficult to juggle without proper light. I was excited because I finally got to take a picture of a craft that I had worked on for a while, hence my journal photo blog. My boyfriend's brother, Quinn, did indeed enjoy his ninja and named him Rick. I took this photo with my Canon digital SLR Rebel XS. I adjusted the shadows, making them just a bit brighter to make more emphasis on the ninja's body. That's it.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Playing with Fire

Scroll down here if you want to read a diddy about this photograph. This was taken at a simple little fire at my friend's house. Just testing out my camera but I think it actually came out a bit interesting.To take this picture a Canon digital SLR rebel xs was used. (Revised for Bacon assignment: To take this picture I used a Canon digital SLR rebel xs.) or ( Using my Canon digital SLR rebel xs, I took this photograph) - Changing the verbal phrase to a clause- changed dangling modifier) Also I'm looking for anyone's insight on any html codes. Is anyone good at html? Does anyone know if there is a way for me to prevent others from being able to save my photos onto their computer? The thought of people doing that kind of creeps me out and I want to prevent it. Please help me with that!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Please go to the page before this one- with my older posts to see when pictures of Shannon start. If you want, read my first scroll box under the caption, "Giving Gloria Back" and leave any responses you find helpful or any criticism!

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But, it's night time


Why is she that way?

Hurt feelings



The Bag


Giving Gloria Back

Today I tried something new. I was getting desperate for some new visual stimuli and asked my friend Shannon to come over. I don't usually like to tamper much with photographs because I feel like it's "cheating" , but all photographers do it and if I want to create a visually stimulating photograph, why not? I mean, at least I hope it to be. Please give me any feedback as to whether it bothers you when tampering with photos, or whether it is sometimes interesting. I choose my friend Shannon as a subject a lot because she someone who is artistic and someone who is willing to do anything.( Change for Bacon assignment- "I choose my friend Shannon as a subject a lot because she is artistic and willing to do anything. Reducing adjective clause) If anyone is familiar with the concept of trying to take serious photographs of your friends, it's really hard. Most friends get nervous, but Shannon doesn't. That's why I choose her. Also, she is beautiful and always has good ideas to help me along the way. I don't know why I wanted her to be wearing a sheet, but I had an urge that was telling me to do so. There will be lots more pictures of Shannon to come from this particular shoot.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009


Oh, brother

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A midnight snack


The after math of eating a bagel. How very healthy of me.