Sunday, November 8, 2009

Playing with Fire

Scroll down here if you want to read a diddy about this photograph. This was taken at a simple little fire at my friend's house. Just testing out my camera but I think it actually came out a bit interesting.To take this picture a Canon digital SLR rebel xs was used. (Revised for Bacon assignment: To take this picture I used a Canon digital SLR rebel xs.) or ( Using my Canon digital SLR rebel xs, I took this photograph) - Changing the verbal phrase to a clause- changed dangling modifier) Also I'm looking for anyone's insight on any html codes. Is anyone good at html? Does anyone know if there is a way for me to prevent others from being able to save my photos onto their computer? The thought of people doing that kind of creeps me out and I want to prevent it. Please help me with that!

HTML scrollbox


  1. Hey Jenna,

    Nice picture—I like the effect.

    There's an HTML code to prevent anyone from right-clicking (and hence downloading pictures), but you can't do anything about it in Blogger. You'd need to have your own site. And there are even ways around that HTML code. Nothing's really private on the internet, unfortunately.

  2. Hello Jenna

    Just to tell you that i like the effect on the picture


  3. Sorry don't know much about html, but I really like this picture. Fire is always interesting to photograph :)

  4. I know you can mess with the CSS templates for the pages, but I don't know if you can enter such code in their that would solve your problem...Chris Velazco from our class is pretty computer/code-savvy, you could ask him?

    Just wanted to say I like this photo...if you hadn't told me it was [taken] of a fire, I would have guessed the Ben Franklin Bridge.
